Subject: MS WORKS - Broadcast/Cable DB Author: Wayne Sheltry Uploaded By: WayneS8 Date: 2/15/1991 File: Cable/Broadcast Stations (6270 bytes) Estimated Download Time (31034 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 370 Equipment: Mac Plus Needs: Microsoft Works 2.0 ----------------- This is a database I designed and populated to serve as a central information resource. I tend to speak my mind about what I watch on television and finally needed a single location for all the addresses. I live in Southern NH, so the data in this database reflects local tv stations in the Boston area. The may be deleted and replaced with your own area stations. The cable station addresses are current as of mid-February. Comments may be sent to me at WayneS8. Note: --------------------------------------------------------------- This file was checked for viruses with SAM v1.4 (Symantec), VIREX 2.3 (HJC Software), and Disinfectant v1.6 and was found to be free of known viruses. Ian - AFL MacBiz, Macintosh Business Forum - Keyword MBS ---------------------------------------------------------------------